MOVE European Mobility Fellowship

The purpose of the MOVE European Mobility Fellowship is to foster collaboration between the members of different European EV Societies and Networks. It offers Early Career Researchers (the applicants) the opportunity to travel to another lab in Europe (the hosts), enhancing their technical skills and expanding their professional networks. 

Fellowship Offer:

  • Covers travel and subsistence costs up to €2,000 (excludes bench fees).
  • Supports work in a host lab at an academic institution in a different European country for 1-3 months.


  • Open to junior scientists: technicians, PhD students, and early-stage postdoctoral researchers (≤ 5 years post-PhD). Career breaks are considered individually.
  • Applicants must be members of GSEV and associated with a European lab.
  • The hosting lab's head must be a member of the National EV Society or Network of the host country.
  • For a list of current European EV host labs, visit here. Contact us for labs not listed to verify eligibility.

Application Process


Deadline: 30 September 2024

Send a single PDF file to including:

  • Application form
  • CV (including publication list)
  • Motivation letter (max. 1 page)
  • Project outline with a short work plan (max. 1 page)
  • Estimated travel costs

Successful applicants will be able to plan their travel immediately after the decision. The fellowship funds will be paid to the recipients’ bank account upon return and receipt of a completed expenses form (incl. receipts for travel and subsistence).


Post-Fellowship Requirements:

  • Submit a completed expenses form with receipts upon return.
  • Write a short article about the stay for the society journal Trillium EV, with an option to present at the next GSEV meeting.


Deadline: 30 September 2024

Enlarge your network, start new collaborations and become a part of the MOVE community! We are currently recruiting new labs as hosts to welcome European MOVE fellows. If you are a PI and interested to join the initiative, please sent the following information to

  • Contact information (including affiliation, email, and webpage)
  • EV research interests (max. 5 keywords)
  • Established EV methods in the lab
  • Key EV publications (max. 3)

Selection & Notification:

All applications will be evaluated by the GSEV board and the decision communicated at latest 4 weeks after the application deadline. 

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Christian Preußer
GSEV German Society for Extracellular Vesicles e. V.
79004 Freiburg

Eintragung im Vereinsregister.
Registergericht: Freiburg
Registernummer: 701968

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE326310135

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Christian Preußer
GSEV German Society for Extracellular Vesicles e. V.
79004 Freiburg

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